الأحد، 28 يوليو 2013

دليل ادارة ويندوز اكس بي Windows XP

تحميل كتاب عن ادارة و تسيير ويندوز XP
تجدون في هذا الكتاب الفهرس - Index :

 Part I - Windows XP Basics
 Chapter 1 - Introducing Windows XP Professional
 Chapter 2 - Installing and Upgrading to Windows XP Professional
 Chapter 3 - Help and Support
 Chapter 4 - Application Management
 Chapter 5 - Printer and Fax Administration
 Part II - Desktop Management
 Chapter 6 - Configuring the Windows XP Start Menu, Taskbar, and My Documents Folder
 Chapter 7 - Configuring Desktop Settings
 Chapter 8 - Configuring Accessibility Features
 Part III - Advanced Administration
 Chapter 9 - Security Administration
 Chapter 10 - Microsoft Management Consoles
 Chapter 11 - Disk Management
 Chapter 12 - Configuring and Administering System Files
 Chapter 13 - Performance Tuning
 Chapter 14 - Shell Scripting and the WSH
 Part IV - Networking with Windows XP Professional
 Chapter 15 - Supporting Mobile Users
 Chapter 16 - Windows XP and TCP/IP
 Chapter 17 - Supporting Internet Communications
 Chapter 18 - LAN Configuration
 Chapter 19 - Printer and Disk Sharing
 Part V - Windows XP Professional Reference Materials
 Appendix A - Windows XP Command Reference
 Appendix B - Troubleshooting System Startup
 List of Figures 
 List of Tables  

عنوان الكتــاب
مؤلف الكتـاب 
  Jerry Lee Ford
لغة الكتاب

حجـم الملـف بعـد الضغـط
25,43 ميغا بايت

تحميل الكتاب

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